Seagulls do it better, John

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Memories and passion for flying

This is a romantic passionate telling of what it is like to fly solo in light aircraft into and over reaches of Tasmania and the Bass Strait islands, rarely seen in the kinds of natural beauty that the lights of deep southern skies bestow upon them.

John extends his passion to both dreamers and students of flying with narratives to motivate them, and encourages them with hope and excitement.

Without effort he gives us a history of private and commercial flying studded with real life characters and sometimes hilarious reflections.


John's years of flying began in 1969 until he retired in 2006. 

Seagulls do it better, John is his first book to be followed by its sequel.

John has a sensitive, generous and compassionate nature so that the characters in his book are lively and unjudged. Even the most trying times he evokes are retold with circumspection but not without acuity and shrewdness.

John's sense of humour is at times jocular, waggish, droll and jesting but never facetious.

At heart, John is a poet.

“I loved reading Seagulls Do It Better, John. I was captivated by the gripping account of a seagull race that is skilfully and wondrously woven to include an authentic and eclectic mix of Australian social and aviation history, and personal and family adventures. An entertaining, fascinating and warm-hearted read.”

Susan Bunkum, Queensland

“John Pugh is a natural storyteller. Witty, wise and exhilarating. Seagulls Do It Better, John is brimming with the wonders of the natural world and the sheer joy of flying. Funny, scary – at times filled with soaring beauty. Woven throughout are the memories of an enchanted childhood, and the story of a seagull learning to fly. Told with humility, wisdom and watchfulness.” 

Sonja Vanderaa, Tasmania